Zero Waste: Page 50
Seattle 'trash-snooping' ordinance debated in court hearing
Judge Beth M. Andrus is expected to rule on the validity of the ordinance before April 30.
By Kristin Musulin • April 18, 2016 -
Au-mazing: Apple recovered $40M worth of gold through e-cycling efforts in 2015
A recent report shows the tech giant recovered 61 million pounds of steel, glass, aluminum, and other industrial materials last year, including 2,204 pounds of gold.
By Arlene Karidis • April 18, 2016 -
Covanta assists in converting 3M pounds of fishing gear, marine debris into energy
The Fishing for Energy partnership has generated enough energy since 2008 to power 2,200 homes for one month.
By Kristin Musulin • April 15, 2016 -
Delaware to award $1M in recycling grants to schools, businesses
The funding aims to help businesses and organizations double commercial recycling and achieve statewide goals set by Gov. Jack Markell’s Universal Recycling initiative.
By Arlene Karidis • April 15, 2016 -
Chicago suburb reaps benefits from extending Groot Industries contract by 10 years
Glenview, IL will now pay less for landscape waste pickup, is guaranteed no collection rate increase through 2017, and will see a 50% cut in fees at town-owned facilities.
By Arlene Karidis • April 14, 2016 -
Does the lack of a federal e-cycling law have a negative impact on states?
Technology is ever-changing, causing electronics to come on line then die fast with no national system to handle them at the end of life.
By Arlene Karidis • April 14, 2016 -
Greenpeace survey: UK residents say no to microbeads
More than 250,000 UK residents have signed a petition appealing to Prime Minister David Cameron to ban products that contain microbeads.
By Arlene Karidis • April 14, 2016 -
Connecticut lags in diverting food waste, despite law intended to jumpstart change
The state's food waste increased from about 321,500 tons in 2010 to about 520,000 tons in 2015—and in that time, none of five proposed anaerobic digesters began construction.
By Arlene Karidis • April 13, 2016 -
Deep Dive
SWANApalooza: How the US can utilize 133B pounds of food waste
If so much edible food is being tossed away in the US every year, why aren't we instead using it to combat hunger?
By Kristin Musulin • April 8, 2016 -
Waste-focused environmentalist will attempt to be youngest woman elected to Congress
“Most people in my generation don’t want to go anywhere near [government leadership] because the system seems broken. So I am throwing my hat into the ring," said Erin Schrode to Waste Dive.
By Arlene Karidis • April 7, 2016 -
Santa Cruz considers road to zero waste as last landfill cell opens
Today, 70% of the county’s trash never makes it to the dump, but is recycled, which has been buying the municipality time.
By Arlene Karidis • April 7, 2016 -
National survey shows Americans stand behind recycling
82% of consumers in a recent survey said all or some of their neighbors participated regularly in recycling collections.
By Arlene Karidis • April 7, 2016 -
Report: California redemption centers lost $20M in 2015
An outdated payment system is at least one reason why the state has only 1,800 centers left.
By Arlene Karidis • April 7, 2016 -
Deep Dive
SWANApalooza: 3 industry leaders go head-to-head with opinions on landfill bans
To ban, or not to ban? That is the question surrounding organics at the landfill.
By Kristin Musulin • April 6, 2016 -
New Jersey legislators renew push for bottle deposit bill
A2281 is opposed by the beverage industry and the Association of New Jersey Recyclers, but the Sierra Club and the Container Recycling Institute support it.
By Arlene Karidis • April 6, 2016 -
UPDATE: Charlotte will still offer trash services to townhouses, condos—but may cut apartments
If the proposal passes,103,000 apartments may no longer get city trash service as of July 2017.
By Arlene Karidis • April 5, 2016 -
EPA recognizes University of Arizona for diverting food scraps from landfill
Compost Cats, a student group, helped redirect 3.4 million pounds of waste.
By Arlene Karidis • April 5, 2016 -
Report: SPI clarifies bioplastics definition, regulatory requirements, and benefits
SPI and its members push for biobased plastics to foster an industry commitment to creating more sustainable materials, and the educational report is an extension of that goal.
By Arlene Karidis • April 4, 2016 -
New toolkit aims to teach the 'how and why' of foodservice packaging recycling
The toolkit targets foodservice establishments, local governments, and MRF operators to increase packaging recovery.
By Arlene Karidis • March 31, 2016 -
Keep America Beautiful program achieves 52% cigarette litter reduction in various communities
Grants from the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program have enabled more than 1,500 communities to launch an initiative aimed at changing behaviors and ending cigarette butt litter.
By Arlene Karidis • March 31, 2016 -
Deep Dive
Good things come in plant packages: How 'bioplastics' could become mainstream
The race to develop and commercialize 100% biobased plastics has been on for years, with manufacturers seeking freedom from fossil fuel dependency and access to cleaner, renewable feedstocks.
By Arlene Karidis • March 31, 2016 -
Several Maine towns mull over decisions for waste disposal contracts
There is little support to stick with PERC, leaving the big decision of who to enter a new contract with: ecomaine or MRC.
By Arlene Karidis • March 31, 2016 -
Stericycle's proposed relocation in Utah may allow for doubled medical waste incineration
"We think it's inappropriate to have these kinds of facilities anywhere ... We hope that when they move they don't have any customers" said Dr. Brian Moench to The Salt Lake Tribune.
By Arlene Karidis • March 30, 2016 -
CalRecycle distributes $5.3M in grants for California road repairs using recycled tires
The tire recycling program and grants have diverted 38 million tires from landfills, using them not only for road surfaces, but also for civil engineering projects.
By Arlene Karidis • March 30, 2016 -
How India is tackling litter through whistleblowing and 'Flying Debris Squads'
Citizens are being encouraged to report dumping, burning waste, and other illegal activities through apps like WhatsApp, and can receive monetary awards for doing so.
By Kristin Musulin • March 30, 2016