(Vancouver, British Columbia): Ramboll Group has been engaged by Metro Vancouver to assist with a procurement process for the operation and maintenance of the Metro Vancouver Waste-to-Energy Facility. The process is required in anticipation of the expiration of the existing operation and maintenance contract in March 2025. Owned by the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (Metro Vancouver) and located in the City of Burnaby, the approximately 250,000 tonne per year facility operates as part of the integrated waste management system for the federation of 21 municipalities, one electoral area, and one treaty First Nation within the Metro Vancouver Region. Metro Vancouver is looking for proponents who can provide 24/7 operation and maintenance services, as well as participate in capital upgrades for the facility over a minimum of 10 years. The facility produces power that is sold under a power purchase agreement with BC Hydro. Metro Vancouver is also developing a Waste-to-Energy Facility District Energy system that will provide energy for heat and hot water to nearby developments. Metro Vancouver has issued a Request for Qualifications to develop a short list of qualified entities that will be invited to submit proposals for operation and maintenance of the facility. The RFQ is available at the following link: https://metrovancouver.bidsandtenders.ca/Module/Tenders/en
Ramboll is a leading engineering, architecture and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. With more than 16,000 engineers, designers and consultants, we work across the markets of Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy and Management Consulting. In the Americas we leverage local and global expertise to deliver sustainable, comprehensive and integrated solutions for our clients. Our work spans the private and public sectors, with key clients representing the pharmaceutical, aerospace, food and beverage, chemicals, metals, oil and gas, utilities, property, financial, and legal industries, as well as municipalities, state institutions, agencies and the regulatory and academic communities. While you can access all Ramboll global markets and services through all offices, practitioners in the Americas offer particular expertise in Environment & Health, Water, Energy and Advanced Manufacturing.