Dive summary:
- Residents in Oakland, Calif. are asking Waste Management to help clean up areas around the city that are plagued by illegally-dumped trash.
- Poorer communities say that people don’t have the money for dumping fees and trash ends up everywhere, sometimes bringing in more crime to the area.
- In line with previous requests, Waste Management has an annual free dumping day but says that if residents want something to be done about the trash, they need to be talking to the government, not them.
From the article:
Some Oakland residents called out Waste Management and said the company has the money so it should be able to pick up the trash.
Homeowners in the city's low income communities are asking the company for help to clean up what they call a disgusting situation.
Neighbors say illegal dumping is more than an eyesore, it's an open invitation for people to commit crimes. ...