Dive summary:
- Apartment buildings with more than 10 units in New York City will soon begin an e-waste program that will pickup the e-waste from their front door.
- The program would be run by Electronic Recyclers International for the next 15 years and be free for residents.
- The city is targeting people who live in apartments because they think it is more difficult for them to drop off their larger electronics like TV’s or computers, causing New York’s lower than average electronics recycling numbers.
From the article:
While many stores have free drop off for computers and some televisions, those living in apartments may have a hard time transporting large electronics to those locations. The city believes the electronics recycling rate in the city falls below state averages because of that reason.
The program would allow for electronic drop-off locations inside of the apartment building, free for residents.
"It's a tremendous honor and privilege for ERI to be partnering with the great City of New York and providing responsible, effective recycling of its electronic waste for the next 15 years," said John Shegerian, president and CEO of ERI in a statement. ...