Dive summary:
- A black bear in New Mexico was euthanized after it made its way from a dumpster to a garbage truck and then finally to a landfill.
- The bear was likely scavenging for food or a nap in the dumpster, the Department of Game and Fish is working with the city of Raton to get bear-proof dumpsters but there is no date as to when that will happen.
- The bear was injured so badly from its ride that authorities felt they had to euthanize it.
From the article:
"Bears frequent the dumpsters to find food and sometimes use them for daytime nap hideaways," the department said in a statement. "Trash collectors have no idea that bears are in the closed containers until they unload at the landfill. Game and Fish is working with the City of Raton to change out the current dumpsters for ones that will be bear proof, but until then bears will continue to use them for food and hideouts."
"This is just another unfortunate chapter in Raton's long history of bears and dumpsters," department spokesman Clint Henson said in a statement. "Only when we change our behavior will bears be forced to find more natural, safer food sources." ...